We are faced with stresses every day. Work, children, spouses, parents, friends, neighbors, health – not even to mention the problems of the wider world. So how do we manage the stress of it all without becoming overwhelmed? Some advice from my, not so Ancient Greek, mother on how to lighten up and put things in perspective.
Stress is the body’s response to any demand to adapt. There are two types of stress: positive and negative. Positive stress provides excitement, opportunity and motivation. Negative stress creates intense pressure, feeling out of control. Stress and pain go hand in hand. Total health, is complex – the mind and body are connected. But our response to stress is something we can control. How? By laughing in its face!
I remember fondly when I would call my mother and ask how she is doing, she will say, “Kleo ti mira mou”, which is Greek for, “I am crying at my fate”. Sometimes, though, when I would ask her that same question, she would surprise me and say in Greek, “ I am laughing at my fate, since crying at it doesn’t do any good” Since mother knows best, I decided to take her advice and do the same thing. Throughout the years, I’ve learned to deal with stress in my own life with a simple acronym: LAUGHING. I have passed this on to my clients in my psycotherapy practice and in workshops, as well. Armed with this philosophy, you can laugh in the face of any stress, because you have the ability within you to handle stress.
Egea,health, to you.
Listen to your body and its’symptoms
Accept your symptoms and life situation
Understand your stress triggers and their purpose
Gain knowledge about how to manage triggers
Have a plan for potentially stressful situations
Integrate the plan when faced with stressors
No your limits
Giggle often at serious things
Listen to your body and its’ symptoms
If you are feeling or experiencing these things, your body may be trying to tell you to slow down or pay attention:
Nervous energy
Feelings of resentment
Decreased libido
Difficulty swallowing or digesting
Irregular or irritable bowels/gas
Trouble concentrating
Irregular menstrual
Unexplained chest pain or pressure
Stiff neck or other joints
Feelings of hopelessness
Cravings for chemical substances/addictions
Heart attacks
Auto-immune diseases
Accept your symptoms and life situation
Acknowledge that your symptoms are trying to tell you something
Stop trying to fight life situations that come your way
Embrace situations as a part of life
Understand your stress triggers and their purpose
Know that triggers are different for everyone
Get to know what causes stress for you
Don’t be defeated by these triggers
Some common causes and triggers:
Relational tension
Poor nutrition
Sleep patterns
Money pressures
Being alone
Not enough alone time
Chemical substances/dependence
Time pressures
Waiting in lines/impatience
Gain knowledge about how to manage stress in a healthy way and alleviate symptoms
Seek help regarding proper nutrition and stress management
Boost your immune system
Avoid sweets
Limit caffeine
Breathe deeply
Learn how to sit properly
Drink plenty of water
Get organized
Set clear goals
Have a plan for potentially stressful situations
Prepare yourself
Learn to see it coming
Think positively
Be gratitude
Have options
Integrate the plan when faced with stressors
Designate a no-stress zone
Create a worry box
Team up, ask a buddy for help
Express yourself – allow yourself the freedom to tell others when you are frustrated in a respectful and calm way
Build slack into your schedule
Reduce costs
Get into a routine
Keep a gratitude journal
Keep funny sayings easily accessible
Seek professional help
No your limits and limitations
Create balance in your life
Be selfish – in a good, protective way
Know when enough is enough
Don’t overextend yourself
Learn to say NO
At work:
Limit calls
Set aside a time when you return all your calls
Work smarter, not harder
Get a life outside of work
Giggle often at serious things
Use humor to diffuse stress
Laughter helps lower blood pressure, improve respiration and circulation